Sir Sydney Camm - From Biplanes & 'Hurricanes' to 'Harriers'
Sir Sydney Camm is justly renowned as the designer of the immortal Hawker Hurricane, but he had a remarkably long career, starting with designing and building model aircraft before World War 1 and ending preparing to see the Harrier into production. Along the way, he also designed the Hawk, the biplane & monoplane Fury, the Tempest and Typhoon, the Sea Fury and the Hunter. He also helped T.O.M. Sopwith put Hawker on the map as designers and builders of first-rate fighter aircraft. The aircraft and company story is well told here, although the straight biographics are rather light, probably becames Camm was a private, and prickly, person. 128 pages. 98 B&W photos. Paperback.