At Camden we try to offer the best books and films, and the best service we can - Murphy and his law sometimes affect the service, but you will find we usually get it as right as the constraints of computers, publishers, the postal authorities and human nature permit. And that's the rule, not the exception. Above all else we want you to enjoy the books and films you buy from us, and to feel that you can deal with us in confidence. SO, all books, magazines and DVDs are GUARANTEED. If you find something isn't what you wanted, return it immediately for credit or refund. We don't expect you to keep and pay for items that aren't what you wanted. You don't have to explain, but if you do, it will help us to improve the selection we offer.
We don't offer an approval service. Don't order 5 books and expect to return 4. Order books you really want. You'll find, as thousands of others have, that the books we offer are so good we don't really need to offer a guarantee. But we do anyway. We want you to be happy with your purchases from us. There's no other way to do business...