Trains d'exception - toutes les voitures et fourgons métalliques de la CIWL 1922-1970
"Voitures-lits, restaurant, Pullman et fourgons métalliques de la Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits & des Grands Express Européens". 1922-1970.
This fascinating and evocative book covers the history and use of all the metal rolling stock of the CIWL operational on mainland Europe, plus Turkey and Egypt. Not covered to any extent is such stock which ended up in communist Eastern Europe after WW11.
The construction of the various series of cars, their layout and their decoration is described, as are the services they ran on over the years. Whilst the CIWL services in the UK were restricted to the 'Night Mail', there is a a British dimension to the CIWL story, as British carriage makers built considerable numbers of cars of all types for CIWL.
The information here is considerable and the production is superb, with many wonderful photographs of cars in colour and B&W (photos of the marquetry are in colour), some plans and interior layouts, and a good French text.
318 A4 format pages. Hardback.
A wonderful tribute to the Glory Days of luxury travel!
Check out the second volume Here