The Anatomy of a Garratt . DIGITAL EDITION



This book has been out of print for some time, and is now reintroduced as a digital book for viewing on a computer, iPad or similar. Not downloadable on to a 'Kindle' or similar reader.

Slightly revised new digital edition of Peter Manning’s “detailed look at the design and construction of K1, the original Garratt locomotive, built for the Tasmanian Government Railways - a century ago”, now running on the Welsh Highland Railway.

The drawings here are of such quality that we are sure you could build a model of K1, in any gauge, from them, but they will also be of interest to owners of the 16mm NG scale model available.

29 pages of colour views of the engineering anatomy, 24 pages of parts drawings with imperial dimensions, a colour painting, a map and a history of K1’s life so far. 66 landscape A4 format pages, spiral-bound, with a plastic outer cover.

Great information.

Also from Peter Manning:

Anatomy of a Narrow Gauge Baldwin

The Darjeeling Garratt and the engine it tried to replace

The Anatomy of the Metropolitan Railway 4-4-0 Tank Locomotive - DIGITAL EDITION