The Journal of the Trevithick Society No. 48 2021
Every year members of the Trevithick Society receive a copy of the Society's 'Journal', usually containing erudite, staid, historical and specialist articles about Cornwall's Industry and Technology.
This year's edition is slightly lighter in content than usual and, for the first time ever, I read a Journal from cover-to-cover in short order, as it is highly readable, as well as erudite and interesting.
Amongst others, there are articles on the shipping of explosives from Hayle, the brief life of the telegraph ship 'Brisk', the Portreath Tram Road and exoloring a shipwrecked cargo of mining machinery, still there under the sea near the Isles of Scilly.
The longest article is 'Navigating Cornwall .... By Land and by Sea' on travelling to, from and in Cornwall from themid 15th century up to the coming of the railways. The gentry normally would travel by carriage of some sort, the lesser orders by cart on on foot. Those who wanted speed went by horseback. Possibly because of the numerous stagecoaches, I formed the fancy this would be a good Christmas title, but at anytime of the year it is a most enjoyable read, and very good value.
168 well illustrated pages. Paperback.