L'Âge D'Or de l'échelle 0 en France 1930-1970
A luxurious book in the extreme, this details in colour photographs, the '0' gauge models produced in France by seventeen individuals or very small concerns, all working at the top end of the market from 1930 to 1970. These include Rossi, Munier, Lequesne, Gaume, Jardel, Munier and others.
The results are frequently spectacular as the 500 or so photographs, largely in colour, attest. There is also a chapter on Le Museon di Rodo, near Uzes, which was the only French museum open to the public largely featuring model railways.
The '0' gauge railway in the museum had been developed in England by W.F. Kelly and his friend Geoffrey Keen - the President of the Model Railway Club of Great Britain. It was donated to the museum on Kelly's death, along with many models, and was followed by some of Keen's models. These were joined in France by many of the models shwn in this book.
If you like French railways you will certainly like this book, if you like model railway you will love it!
319 large format landscape pages, all in colour, with illustrations of models, some layouts, publicity material etc. Hardbound.