Machine Shop Essentials - Questions & Answers


An exceptionally good modern (2004) book on the basics of engineering practice. The quality is evident the moment you open the book, there being considerable numbers of drawings of set-ups, rather photographs and, as the text is based on 'Questions & Answers', it is very much to the point. It is also strong where practices have changed, notably on fastenings. Whilst American, a whole host of manufacturers have been consulted in its preparation, including both Colchester and Myford, and variations in practice between countries are covered.

The spread of this book is well illustrated by the Chapters - see the 'Contents' page iillustration above - OK this isn't cheap but the quality of the information is priceless, especially if you have just shelled out large sums of money for machinery. For the newcomer to model engineering this book will be invaluable - even if you have been in the workshop man and boy, you will find much here of use.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - as if you hadn't guessed! 518 pages. 497 drawings, plus tables. Larger format paperback.

I have seldom been as pleased with a purchase as this! The book paid for itself after half an hours browsing.   Mr. D.K   Sweden

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