Radio Controlled Model Jet Guide
End of Line
Publication Date: 1999
Binding: Soft cover
Book Condition: Fine
Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good
Edition: 1st Edition
Making/flying your own Model Jet aircraft. Choosing your model & auxiliary equipment, installing the turbine, selecting the correct fuel systems - all this and more is explained. On to the flying site - learn the safety aspects, as well as peculiarities relating to flying jet planes. Model aircraft powered by real jet engines are fascinating machines, capable of climbing vertically, pulling loops of virtually any size and flying at breath-taking speeds. Thomas Kamps is famed throughout the world for his best selling first book 'Model Jet Engines', in this, his second book he describes how to make a successful start in this demanding sport. The 'Radio Controlled Model Jet Guide' provides valuable help in selecting a suitable model and the best choice of engine, as well as how to install the turbine, auxiliary equipment required, fuel systems and everything you need to build and fly your own model jet aircraft. The author then takes you to the flying site, where safety is paramount and the correct starting procedure is crucial. Once a model is in the air, there is a set of unique jet characteristics to be taken into account, such as delayed throttle response, the effects on the model of exhaust flow and the safest landing techniques. This richly illustrated book containing dozens of photos and drawings, provides all the detailed information you need to make your own radio-controlled jet model aircraft and fly it successfully.