Steam & Stirling - Engines You Can Build Book 4


Back in the late 1970s a friend and customer asked if I could obtain a copy of an American book he had seen advertised, called "Steam & Stirling Engines You Can Build" for him. From this one request grew the bookselling 'Camden' of today, and here is "Steam & Stirling Engines You Can Build Book 4"! And it is just as good, possibly better thanks to the generous use of colour photographs.

The range of models described range from ones for the beginner, to others - notably the Buffalo-Springfield Steam Rollers, which are considerably more advanced. Of the hot-air engines, the Thomas & Smith/Fanning engine is probably the same. Incidentally, this looks to have been a development of the Rider-Ericsson engine. For the Calliope, I think you would need musical as well as engineering ability, a large boiler, and a very tolerant partner!

As always, all the articles appeared in either Live Steam, or The Home Shop Machinist magazines, here in issues from 2003 to 2009.

A huge amount to inspire and enjoy in this quality 210 page hardbound book, full of photographs, diagrams and detail drawings for each project.

Here is the full index: