Battle of the Boilers - A life of LBSC


Eddie Castellan's eagerly awaited new biography of LBSC, the man who persuaded more beginner model engineers that they could build a model locomotive, than any other writer

It is extremely well done, with a lot of new information and new pictures, both archive and recent. Compared with the only other biography of LBSC - Brian Hollingsworth's 1988 "LBSC His Life and Locomotives", this new title does focus rather more on LBSC and Henry Greenly's fractious relationship, and also parts of LBSC's life which are not clear , possibly deliberately, notably had he ever fired full size locomotives, as well as his gender ambiguities.

It combines with Hollingsworth's book, but also stands alone very well. A fascinating book, both as a life of LBSC, but also of the locomotives he designed.

152 pages crammed with B&W and colour photos, plus drawings . 152 pages. Hardbound.